Mark Sumpter
- When running your own business one of the most obvious routes to economic success is having a decent and sufficient client base. However, this is not something that will be happen by itself and you will need to put in some work to obtain and maintain your client base. A business without fresh clients is a dying business

Mark Sumpter - Here are five easy steps to getting more clients.

1. Network: It is who you know

Remember that you can never know too many people. Often you will even find clients in the most arbitrary places. Be social, attend events and functions and keep talking about your business. Do not under-estimate the power of word-of-mouth as a means for getting more clients.

2. Wear your brand with pride

Advertising is an essential component of every small business, so make sure you focus a lot of attention on it. Brand your vehicle, your stationary, even your shirts! Advertising can create leads for your business and this can aid in the expansion of your client base. Aside from this, it turns your business into a familiar name.

3. Take advantage of technology

This cannot be stressed enough. Make use of every resource available in order to get your business out there. Utilize the internet - and this does not mean using just your own website. Advertise in other spaces and scout the internet for information resources which could lead you to new clients.

4. Look after the clients you have

It is very likely that the clients you already have in your client base know of other people with similar needs, so look after them and they will spread the good word. Stay updated as to how they are feeling about your business-client relationship and sort out issues quickly. Human nature dictates that we are likely to trust the opinion of others that we know, so do not under-estimate the effects of a good review from a peer when it comes to finding new clients.

5. Don't beat around the benefits

Mark Sumpter - Yes, your prospective clients do want to know the facts surrounding your business, but what they really want to know is how becoming your client will benefit them. When courting prospective clients be both authentic and articulate, explaining to them how your business works but at the same time making the benefits crystal clear. Remember that your potential client is looking out for his/her best interests.